Wow it's been a long time since I've posted. I've been so busy lately! I have a lot of catching up to do - let's start with baby showers! I've had two since I last posted.
The first was here in Houston. It was so great and so much fun. It always makes you realize how many great friends you have when people come out to celebrate something like this with you. Really makes you feel loved :) My dear friends Amanda, Jenny and Connie threw the shower for me. We had it at my house, which everyone thought was strange but I really wanted it at my house. We never really have people over so I thought this was a good opportunity, plus then you don't have to transport all of the gifts or anything like that. Here are some of the pictures from that day:

Amanda decorated the mantel so beautifully!

There were 5 pregnant ladies at my shower! This is Wendy, Melu, Jenny and I. The 5th didn't make it into the picture.
Unfortunately I didn't get as many pictures of that day as I would have liked. I just was having such a good time I wasn't thinking about documenting the day properly!
Then I had my shower in Albuquerque with all of my friends and family there! Kathleen threw that one for me and she did a fantastic job! It was really so sweet of her to do, I know how much work these can be. Again, so many of the wonderful people in my life were able to make it and I was so grateful to be able to see them all and celebrate with everyone. Here are some pictures from that one:

Amanda and I with our soon-to-be cousin baby bumps. So excited for these two to play with each other!

Wesley, Jenn and Suzy. I just love this picture because they all look so beautiful!

Brandy, Heather and I
Again, I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked. I didn't take any of the cute decorations that Kathleen put up. And I didn't get one of she and I. Nor did I get any with me and my mom or my grandma. Again - I was just having too much fun!
I'm so grateful to have such great friends and family to celebrate with. I am truly blessed.