Sunday, September 26, 2010

Look at me! I've finally started a blog. I've tried this once before to no avail. I didn't really find that I had all that much to say. But I'm giving it another shot because A) no one likes to give up on something after only one try and B) I'm convinced that being pregnant and subsequently having a baby will give me more to say. Plus it's a good way to keep track of things, like keeping a journal that I'll be able to look at several years from now and reminisce.

Speaking of keeping a journal, I've been told by several people lately that I should keep a pregnancy journal. I'm not sure I understand the point of this. What do you write in a pregnancy journal? "Threw up 3 times today and my ass is fat"? Not sure I really want to remember those kinds of specifics. If there is something I'm missing here please let me know. I would consider keeping one I just don't think I quite grasp the concept.

Not that pregnancy is all bad. Last Tuesday we got to go in for the 10 week ultrasound. It was really amazing. The first ultrasound we got was at 6 weeks. We could see the baby then but really it just looked like a little blob. I think this time I just expected it to look like a slightly bigger blob, or perhaps a shrimp. I'm not sure why I thought this, I get several emails a day from various pregnancy websites explaining to me just what is happening inside of my body, so I should have been prepared. What we actually saw was not a shrimp, but a tiny little baby!! It had a head, and a body and tiny little nubbins of arms and legs. We could also see the heartbeat, and coolest of all we could see our little baby moving all around like a little wiggle worm! It was really amazing. And made the whole thing seem a lot more real. At this stage of pregnancy I find that often times I feel not so much like I'm having a baby but more just that I have a stomach bug.

I hope that not every blog entry will be about pregnancy - perhaps I am keeping a pregnancy journal without even intending to. But really it's the main thing going on in our lives right now so I would expect a lot more of the same. I do have some travel planned for next weekend though so that should give me some material!

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