Saturday, February 26, 2011

Diaper Cakes

You all know how I love to be crafty (or maybe you don't) and the fun new thing I've discovered is diaper cakes! I had seen a few before, but then at my baby shower in Houston I was lucky enough to have two made for me. My good friend Sumer made this one:

She did such a great job! It matches his nursery (or what his nursery will look like eventually) really well and I love how she added his name in. Very cute!

Then my friend Melu made this one:

Also very cute! Love the little shoes on top :)

So, of course, I decided I needed to try to make one too. I went to Melu's (who, btw, is have triplets!!!) baby shower a couple of weekends ago. So I decided to make one for her. Turned out pretty good if I do say so myself:

I can not wait to make more of these. All three of these look better in person than they do in the pictures, but you get the idea. I need more baby showers to go to! :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Baby Showers

Wow it's been a long time since I've posted. I've been so busy lately! I have a lot of catching up to do - let's start with baby showers! I've had two since I last posted.

The first was here in Houston. It was so great and so much fun. It always makes you realize how many great friends you have when people come out to celebrate something like this with you. Really makes you feel loved :) My dear friends Amanda, Jenny and Connie threw the shower for me. We had it at my house, which everyone thought was strange but I really wanted it at my house. We never really have people over so I thought this was a good opportunity, plus then you don't have to transport all of the gifts or anything like that. Here are some of the pictures from that day:

Amanda decorated the mantel so beautifully!

There were 5 pregnant ladies at my shower! This is Wendy, Melu, Jenny and I. The 5th didn't make it into the picture.

Unfortunately I didn't get as many pictures of that day as I would have liked. I just was having such a good time I wasn't thinking about documenting the day properly!

Then I had my shower in Albuquerque with all of my friends and family there! Kathleen threw that one for me and she did a fantastic job! It was really so sweet of her to do, I know how much work these can be. Again, so many of the wonderful people in my life were able to make it and I was so grateful to be able to see them all and celebrate with everyone. Here are some pictures from that one:

Amanda and I with our soon-to-be cousin baby bumps. So excited for these two to play with each other!

Wesley, Jenn and Suzy. I just love this picture because they all look so beautiful!

Brandy, Heather and I

Again, I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked. I didn't take any of the cute decorations that Kathleen put up. And I didn't get one of she and I. Nor did I get any with me and my mom or my grandma. Again - I was just having too much fun!

I'm so grateful to have such great friends and family to celebrate with. I am truly blessed.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Wonderful Husband

I just wanted to take a moment today to talk about my wonderful husband. I love him so much and he truly is my best friend. I feel so blessed to have found him and to be spending the rest of my life with him. I always knew I was lucky to have him, but being pregnant really makes me realize that even more. I'm a very domestic person. I really like to cook for him and that sort of thing. But then the pregnancy comes along - and suddenly you have no energy and the last thing you want to do is cook or clean. And though I probably shouldn't, this made me feel guilty at first. Like I was neglecting my husband. But really, he could have cared less. He likes cooking a lot too - and all of the "fend-for-yourself" dinners we've been having for the last 6 months haven't bothered him one bit. And, although he complains about it to no end, he gives me nightly back rubs to ease the pain of carrying around all of this extra weight. These are just a couple of examples of how great he is. And how he takes wonderful care of me. I'm am so thankful everyday that I have been lucky enough to have this wonderful man in my life. I can't wait to see him as a daddy, because I know he'll be great at that too :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

First blog of 2011 - and it's only the 3rd! See? My (non) New Year's resolution is going well already :)

I had a doctor appointment last Tuesday. First (minor, hopefully) glitch in my pregnancy so far. I'm measuring 1cm too big for how far along I am. This is probably just because I'm having a big baby. I've expected to have a big baby really - Justin is 6' 4" after all and I weighed 8lbs 12oz when I was born. Plus, at the 20 week ultrasound he weighed 13oz, which is normal but it's on the big side of normal. However, measuring too big could also mean that I have too much amniotic fluid which is bad. Various things could cause too much fluid. My doctor didn't seem too concerned though, so, while I was very worried at first, I've decided to just calm down about the whole thing for now. Stress does no good for the baby anyway :) So we just have to wait until my next appointment to see how I'm measuring then, and then we will determine next steps. Happy thoughts and prayers are appreciated :)

We rang in the New Year pretty quietly at my house, as is the usual for two homebodies like us. The long weekend from work gave me time to get caught up on some things around the house. I almost have the entire craft room cleared out so that we can start on the baby's nursery! So wonderful to be making progress on that finally. I'll post pictures once we get it started of course, it's all very exciting!

Maybe the reason I blog so little is because when I write blogs closer together I don't feel like I have that much to say :) I'm sure that will all change when the little one arrives.