Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Fun and Other Things

Merry Christmas! And almost Happy New year!

It's a boy! Wow - I've really started out with a lot of exclamations today :) So yes, it's a boy and we're very excited. And even better - he appears to be very healthy and right on track developmentally. We've know this for quite awhile now - but as usual I'm late with the news to the blog world. If I believed in New Years resolutions, mine would be to blog more. So instead, let's just agree that I'll make an effort to remember that I have blog - deal?

We had a really nice Christmas. Justin's parents came into town and we pretty much just did the normal things you do when family is in town. Spend time with each other, play card games, cook, etc. I think the most noteworthy thing that happened was Justin and his dad changing the porch light.

Porch light backstory: It went out about a year ago I would guess. We have not been able to figure out how to change it due to the fact that it's about 25 feet up in the air. Both ladders that we own do not reach it. It was kind of a joke that every time someone would come to the house we would ask them "Can you think of a way to change that light bulb?" So of course, we ask Bonnie & Andy. And this was the brilliant idea that Andy came up with:

Yes, we backed the truck up onto the porch, set up the ladder in the back of it, then Andy climbed up and changed the light bulb. Quite hilarious. And also quite effective. I expect the neighbors to be calling us to ask if we can change theirs any day now.

Monday, November 29, 2010

It's been usual

Ok, I really have got to get better at this blogging thing. Not only do I consistently forget that I have a blog - and therefore forget to post anything - but I also have no idea how to use this thing! I see all of these cool things on other people's blogs yet I can't even figure out how to put a picture of the fam at the top. Perhaps if I spent more than 30 seconds trying I would be more successful.

Anyway, a lot of things have happened in the month since I last posted. I took a cute picture of Sam on Halloween wearing devil horns with the intention of posting it on here to wish everyone a "Happy Halloween!" But at this point that just seems silly - maybe next year. And I don't have a turkey costume to put her in for Thanksgiving :(

Thanksgiving was nice; we spent a few days in Las Cruces with Justin's family. We got to meet Amanda, our new sister-in-law and her son, Tristan. They both are wonderful people and we couldn't be happier to have them as a part of our family. And, as usual, we got our fill of delicious New Mexican food while we were there. Justin more so than I because I was a little bit afraid of eating the chili while pregnant. It was a wonderful trip but we're glad to be home.

Other than that nothing really noteworthy has been going on. Both of us have been working a lot and trying to make room for the baby. By "trying" I mostly mean I occasionally walk into the room I need to clear out, look around, and decide my time would be better spent on Facebook or perhaps eating some waffles. Justin has this week off of work and he's spending it doing "yard work" (aka playstation). I guess it runs in the family.

Tomorrow we get to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl!! And also if all of it's organs are healthly and if my due date is accurate. It will be exciting - wish us luck! I'll update everyone on the status - hopefully before the baby is walking.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Blogging Forgetfulness

So....I forgot I started a blog. In my defense, I haven't been on the computer much at all lately. Not even Facebook (Gasp!). I've been exceptionally busy at work these past few weeks, and after being on the computer all day at the office coming home and getting back on the computer is not exactly first on my list of priorities. I've also been feeling a lot better lately, I have a lot more energy so now I'm feeling like I have to get caught up on all of the things I put off doing when I was feeling so sick and tired!! Love, love, love feeling better though. Now it's really a joy being pregnant. Not that I haven't always been happy and excited and grateful for it - it just that now I actually enjoy it as well. Which has caused me to start baby shopping!! So fun. We don't find out if it's a boy or a girl until Nov 30th though so there is really only so much I can buy right now. But it's still fun to look :)

My mom came to visit last weekend. It was very nice to see her, but of course I didn't take one picture while she was here. I really need to get better about that. Soon I will post some belly pictures as well. Tonight I'm going to a Halloween party (Justin, of course, is not going with me. Parties are not really his thing, and it being a Halloween party on top of that makes him want to go even less) so that should be a good opportunity for me to take some more pictures. I resolve to take more pictures! I'm sure once the baby comes we'll be overrun with pictures.

Like I said, we've been very busy lately, off to Albuquerque next weekend!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Utah Friends

So last weekend I took a trip to Salt Lake City to visit my friend Angi from high school. I've been meaning to blog about it ever since but just now getting around to it. It was a really great time, I had never been to SLC before and it's a very pretty city. They have mountains there!! I really miss living around the mountains so that was nice. We've had the trip planned for several months so I've been looking forward to it for quite some time. Funny how life works though - because back when we planned it I had no idea I would be pregnant for the trip and Angi had no idea that they were going to adopt a baby right before I came! So it was really great that we could share that bond and that I could meet the new little guy! He is so tiny and super cute. Before I went, I took the opportunity to be crafty and made these things for his room:

The picture didn't turn out super fantastic, they are much cuter in person. Hopefully little Tyce loves them! Here are some other pictures from my trip:

Little Tyce sleeping

Baby Ty and Charlie

I really didn't take as many pictures as I should have on the trip. I only have one of Angi and I but it's not very good at all (hence why I'm not showing it off on here). We went up to Park City one day which was such a cute little town and I didn't take any pictures at all while I was there either.

On a side note: I'm pretty proud of myself for figuring out how to post pictures on my blog! Although I think I must be doing it the long way...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Look at me! I've finally started a blog. I've tried this once before to no avail. I didn't really find that I had all that much to say. But I'm giving it another shot because A) no one likes to give up on something after only one try and B) I'm convinced that being pregnant and subsequently having a baby will give me more to say. Plus it's a good way to keep track of things, like keeping a journal that I'll be able to look at several years from now and reminisce.

Speaking of keeping a journal, I've been told by several people lately that I should keep a pregnancy journal. I'm not sure I understand the point of this. What do you write in a pregnancy journal? "Threw up 3 times today and my ass is fat"? Not sure I really want to remember those kinds of specifics. If there is something I'm missing here please let me know. I would consider keeping one I just don't think I quite grasp the concept.

Not that pregnancy is all bad. Last Tuesday we got to go in for the 10 week ultrasound. It was really amazing. The first ultrasound we got was at 6 weeks. We could see the baby then but really it just looked like a little blob. I think this time I just expected it to look like a slightly bigger blob, or perhaps a shrimp. I'm not sure why I thought this, I get several emails a day from various pregnancy websites explaining to me just what is happening inside of my body, so I should have been prepared. What we actually saw was not a shrimp, but a tiny little baby!! It had a head, and a body and tiny little nubbins of arms and legs. We could also see the heartbeat, and coolest of all we could see our little baby moving all around like a little wiggle worm! It was really amazing. And made the whole thing seem a lot more real. At this stage of pregnancy I find that often times I feel not so much like I'm having a baby but more just that I have a stomach bug.

I hope that not every blog entry will be about pregnancy - perhaps I am keeping a pregnancy journal without even intending to. But really it's the main thing going on in our lives right now so I would expect a lot more of the same. I do have some travel planned for next weekend though so that should give me some material!